Welcome. I no longer practice garden design in Austin, sorry to say.

In 2022, I moved from Austin. I now live in the Columbia River Gorge in the Pacific Northwest. As of spring 2023, I’ve stopped making regular trips back for garden design work. Austin will always be where I’m from, so don’t be surprised if you see me lurking around a garden or alleyway there now and then (I prefer the alleys, not because it's less likely that old neighbors or clients will see me there, though that is true, but because of the lovely forgotten about plants one will find there).

If you were hoping to work together on garden design, I’m sorry that you didn’t catch me sooner. I’ve kept my contact page active, so if you have a particularly exciting proposal and would like to tempt me, feel free.

So long, for now,



Plant-focused. Ecologically functional. Beautiful.

We (used to) design, build, and maintain ecologically sound gardens in Austin, Texas.